September 11, 2023
Stephen Ainsworth celebrates 50 years of service with BWCI September marks a significant landmark for Stephen Ainsworth, our Senior Partner, since he is celebrating the completion of fifty years of service with the BWCI Group and its antecedent businesses. It was in 1973 that Stephen joined the London Practice of Bacon & Woodrow as a…
September 1, 2023
by John Martin (Please contact John on 01481 728432 or email if you wish to discuss this article or anything relating to secondary pensions). People often have misconceptions about retirement plans which can, unfortunately, end up damaging wealth in later years. That’s why we’re setting out some of the most commonly heard myths and…
August 10, 2023
by John Martin (Please contact John on 01481 728432 or email if you wish to discuss this article or anything relating to secondary pensions). Facts are better than fiction, especially when considering financial options. The pensions sector attracts its fair share of myths and misconceptions, which can leave people feeling bewildered, and unsure of…
July 17, 2023
by John Martin (Please contact John on 01481 728432 or email if you wish to discuss this article or anything relating to secondary pensions). The attractions of a self-employed lifestyle are well-known – turn your passion into work, get a strong sense of fulfilment, set your own hours, take time off when you like,…
June 26, 2023
By Paige Wilson at BWCI “It is likely that some trustee training will be required” Do you have a good mix of people on the board? How many pension trustee boards have asked themselves this question? It is certainly something that the UK Pensions Regulator is encouraging trustees to think about, with the publication of…
June 20, 2023
By Mark Colton at BWCI “No bank maintains sufficient capital to pay all its depositors at once.” Like a tabloid journalist’s headline, “CoCo pops” was inevitable, albeit a million miles away from the sugary breakfast cereal. “CoCo”s are a type of investment, and some of them have imploded spectacularly. What are CoCos? A “CoCo” is…
June 12, 2023
by John Martin (Please contact John on 01481 728432 or email if you wish to discuss this article or anything relating to secondary pensions). It will soon be a mandatory requirement for all local businesses – regardless of industry or size of business – to enrol Designated Employees in an Approbated Pension Scheme and…
June 9, 2023
Anna Gray We are delighted to announce the appointment of Anna Gray as a director within our Guernsey fiduciary business. Anna has extensive experience in the pensions and trust industry. She brings with her a wealth of knowledge and experience, with over 15 years’ practising as a lawyer in the UK and subsequently Guernsey. During…
May 16, 2023
By Michelle Galpin at BWCI “there are some concerning trends emerging.” Covid news still features prominently in the headlines on a regular basis, despite it being more than three years since the first Covid lockdown was announced. The Continuous Mortality Investigation (“CMI”) analyses the death data in England and Wales published by the Office for…
April 21, 2023
by John Martin (Please contact John on 01481 728432 or email if you wish to discuss this article or anything relating to secondary pensions). It will soon be a mandatory requirement for all local businesses – regardless of industry or size of business – to enrol Designated Employees in an Approbated Pension Scheme and…
April 6, 2023
By Mike Freer at BWCI Guernsey’s Secondary Pensions system is edging closer to being launched. After the States debate was unexpectedly deferred for 6 months from May to November last year, a draft of the Secondary Pensions law¹ was finally debated and agreed at the end of 2022. This was followed by an…
April 5, 2023
April 5, 2023 BWCI is encouraging employers not to delay their workplace pension arrangements, after the States have confirmed the implementation date of 1 July 2024 which will result in the biggest transformation to retirement savings the island has ever seen. The States had formally approved the legislation at their November 2022 meeting but the…