The Blue Riband Channel Islands Retirement Plan for Employers
The Blue Riband Channel Islands Retirement Plan, managed by BWCI Pension Trustees Limited, provides a positive retirement solution for Channel Islands employers and employees.
Features of the Blue Riband Channel Islands Retirement Plan
The Blue Riband Channel Islands Retirement Plan can be tailored to meet individual employers’ specific needs.
We recognise that companies have varying objectives for their pension plans. As a result, we offer flexibility within the Blue Riband Channel Islands Retirement Plan so that each company can select a pension plan ideally suited for their needs. In addition, each company may operate a different plan type for different categories of employees.
We set out below the key features of the different options.
Suitable for organisations which are looking for a company pension plan that offers a core set of low cost index-tracking investments and exceptional value for money.
Already established – no customisation
Deed of Adherence
Produced from standard documents
Investment Strategies
Lifestyle (1) or Self Select.
Investment Funds
12 core funds across a broad range of asset classes. These funds are index-tracking
Member Communication
- Employer’s Factsheet: Customised
- Member Booklet
- Investor’s Guide
- Member forms
- Website
Suitable for organisations which are looking for a company pension plan that has access to both index-tracking and additional actively managed funds selected from a range of investment managers whilst still offering exceptional value for money.
Already established – no customisation
Deed of Adherence
Produced from standard documents
Investment Strategies
Lifestyle (3) or Self Select.
Investment Funds
12 core funds and 9 additional actively managed funds selected from a range of investment managers across the major asset classes.
Member Communication
- Employer’s Factsheet: Customised
- Member Booklet
- Investor’s Guide
- Member forms
- Website
Similar to the Enhanced plan but also including a number of selected funds in specialist asset classes.
Already established – no customisation
Deed of Adherence
Produced from standard documents
Investment Strategies
Lifestyle (3) or Self Select.
Investment Funds
12 core funds and 33 additional actively managed funds selected from a range of investment managers. These represent a wide set of asset classes including specialist categories.
Member Communication
- Employer’s Factsheet: Customised
- Member Booklet
- Investor’s Guide
- Member forms
- Website
This is a
As investment values are not guaranteed and may fluctuate, the Blue Riband Channel Islands Retirement Plan provides a range of funds to enable contributions to be invested across a diverse range of assets.
Contact us for further details on the
Blue Riband Channel Islands Retirement Plan
Contact us
Key Principles
The three key principles behind the Blue Riband Channel Islands Retirement Plan for Employers are:
Acts as a tool for recruitment, motivation and staff retention
Easy to setup and cost-effective with the ability to choose who pays the ongoing fees
Employer contribution rate flexibility
No social security payments on contributions to the Blue Riband Channel Islands Retirement Plan
Dedicated client team and Email facility to answer all member questions
Simple and easy to understand
Members Booklet setting out the benefits and an Investor’s Guide setting out investment options
Employee contributions eligible for valuable tax relief (subject to limits) and flexible regular or lump sum payment
Dedicated website
Pension projector available to help plan for retirement
Defined contribution
Lifestyle Strategy which automatically switches investments as the member gets closer to retirement
Transfers in from other pension arrangements enable employees to bring all their pension savings together
RATS continue on an individual basis for leavers/retirees
Full transparency on costs, no hidden charges
Our Approach
Product Simplicity
Too much choice and complexity confuses everybody.
We keep it simple
Expertise and Experience
We support you
Simple Communications
Product descriptions are in a language that everyone understands.
We make it clear
Web Access For All
We provide 24 hours a day secure access with up to date valuations, pension projections and the ability to switch between investment funds.
We support you
Help For Employers
It is important that you are able to run your business without distractions and do what you do best. We do all the administration in a simple and trouble free manner.
We take the strain
Transparency of Charging
To help build trust in pensions we believe it is vital that charges are simple and transparent.
We tell you
BWCI Pension Trustees Limited
PO Box 68
Albert House
South Esplanade
St Peter Port
Tel: +44 (0) 1481 728432
Fax: +44 (0) 1481 724082